I still can't do any sports though...

"As bright as her computer screen, the stars shone during her late night web surfing wondering when she'll finally fall asleep,"

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Seriously Tired I'm Not Even Trying To Be Funny

I should start posting pictures with my posts...

(legit, all I wanted to say for this post)

12am And It's A School Night

Surprisingly, I'm actually tired. From this fact, this post will probably be short.

It's barely even a month and I'm already wishing it was the holidays again. *sigh* Me and my lazy antics.
Majority of my social media will be labelled as "hiatus" until the next upcoming holidays start (which is only gonna run for 2 weeks *cries*). If I had a month to do anything that I wanted to do, I would sleep, lay around in my bed, roll around on the floor whilst eating pocky and scroll through all my 200 messages from my friends that I will never receive because I don't have friends... :'-D

It's kinda funny because I'm actually writing this on my school laptop that I so desperately need for school but I'm using it for this crap because why not (YOLO, d-don't ever say that again...)?

I wanna sleep.....

Gee, way to go for a shitty and abrupt goodnight :/ 

Saturday 14 February 2015

Lonely Ass Valentine's Day So I'm Just Writing About My Lonely Ass School Life

School started a few weeks ago for me so, as of now, I'm gonna be stressed to the bone from studying to try and get into a selective entry school.
My priorities will be adapting from "I can't be bothered doing anything" to "study,study,study".

Life from now on will be tiring as fuck.

I've really been looking into these 'Selective Entry' schools since my mum said I can go to any as long as I stay enrolled with high marks.
After doing minimal research I found that there are 4 schools in the 'Selective Entry' category of schools in Melbourne.

I will most likely be able to get into 3 of these schools (what I mean is, 1 is an all boys' school so I can't get be accepted into it ofc, I'm not saying I'm super fucking hella smart...): <--- not a sad face emoticon, smh ironic colons... :/
  • Mac.Robertson Girls' High School, Albert Park
  • Nossal High School, Berwick
  • Suzanne Cory High School, Werribee
I'd really like to attend an all girls' school, to relieve my pain of low self-esteem, but since it's in Albert Park (located in South Yarra) it'd take quite a few sacrifices to be able to just even get in the vicinity. To help out my parents, it would be recommended that I take the chance of risking my charm and try to get into Suzanne Cory (the issues of why I'm hella scared to get into this school is of a private matter, soz),which is located near my mum's house and near my sister's school so it'd also be easier for my dad to drop me off.
I could always just try and get into Nossal as well (located near my dad's house) but, since my autistic sister faces the fact of having the probability of getting nowhere near a selective entry school and forever remaining in the 'shit-ass-expensive-fucking-$5000-dollars-tuition-are-you-kidding-me' high school near my mother's house (an hour away from her ex-husband), I remain stuck in a rut.

At the end of the day, I always wish I was more confident and could do anything in my power so I wouldn't be afraid to make things easier for my family and stop being a stressful brat but, I'm stuck all the way down here in the lonely abyss of low self-esteem.

This post was merely just a filler (coz I haven't done anything interesting in my life besides cutting my hand and getting a cast) and so be the rest.